Education changes life!

During the last decade, attendance to primary school has increased by 52 million children*. Nevertheless, there are millions of children around the world are not able to develop their potential and build a future as they don't have access to education. The number of girls attending school is still much less than boys.

Progress has been made over the last few years in the levels of schooling in the world: the number of children not attending school has fallen by half in Southern and Western Asia; in sub-Saharan Africa, despite a significant growth in population of children of school age, levels of attendance have risen by one third. Still, it is estimated that by 2015, the number of children not attending school will be 56 million worldwide.

The state of school buildings notwithstanding, the schooling of children is often disturbed by problems related to the precarious financial state of families. In order to meet the needs of their family, many children are forced to take part in farming work, work at home or are forced to go elsewhere to work. Children who are unable to complete a year in primary school are many. Leaving school before time is something that particularly affects girls.

Health also plays a significant role in school life. Precarious health means fragile children who are less able to maintain their learning capacity. Chronic malnutrition or an incomplete diet slows down cognitive development. Undernourished children are not able to realise their full potential, either physically or mentally. Access to health care and a balanced diet go together in educational development.

FH is committed to education and supports vulnerable families with school fees and expenses for materials for their children. FH projects also seek to improve the nourishment of school children. Agricultural techniques are taught to families to help improve their crops. Canteens are built in schools to help provide a balanced diet for the children. Children are treated free of charge and courses are given in hygiene and prevention of illnesses with the participation of the parents. Children’s nutrition is monitored.

In some cases, projects also build classrooms, dispensaries, latrines and water cisterns.

* According to the report on world education of 2011 by UNESCO.


Projects and stories


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